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TestHopper is a FREE online testing website, with an initiative to help people improvise their mathematical skills, reasoning and aptitude. TestHopper allows you to take tests for FREE, and without login. TestHopper gives a series of questions, with time boundations in some, so as to provide you the same examination environment, which you might have faced during some online examination or as you will be facing in some of the exams ahead. Also, we provide you, with your stats in previous tests, and your performance reports, which can help you in improving yourself in a more efficient manner.

Also, on TestHopper, you can post tests of your own, and conduct online tests, reaching the whole world, and most importantly, its almost FREE. For more details, you may take a look at our FAQ's.

It is basically an initiative to help you improve your logical skills, so that you can perform better in various competitive exams, campus placements and pre job exams.

So, just get your calculation sheets, and start TestHopping!